query letters

Good Writing Matters. Good Selling Matters More.

The truth is, there are thousands and thousands of good writers out there. Plenty of great ones too. But if you’re one of those good or great writers who wants to share your words with the world, how on earth are you going to do that if you don’t know how to sell your writing?

This is where an agent comes in. Agents know how to sell good ideas and good writing (what you have). They also know to whom to sell it. They’re like classic romantic matchmakers, in a way. Agents make it their business to know not only what’s trendy in the marketplace, but which editors are looking for what kinds of projects.

But how do you find one of these magic agents? Research. Work. Writing. You know, everything you’ve done so far to get your book idea where it is. Industry sites offer a plethora of contact lists for agents who specialize in a variety of genres and topics. Each agent likes to be contacted in a specific way — so follow their instructions! But in general? You need to have your book idea distilled down to a powerful pitch. You need a well-crafted query letter that shows off your writing chops as well as your background and the idea itself.

Depending on the type of book you want to write, you’ll also need at least a synopsis, or a book proposal, sample chapters, or even a full manuscript.

A little overwhelming, right?

That’s where I come in. I’ve been there and I can help you get there. Let’s create the perfectly crafted package to help you land an agent, an editor, and get on the road to becoming the published author you’ve dreamed of becoming!