Peaks and Valleys

I’m knee-deep into my marathon training for my winter marathon. Many days I wonder why the heck I thought a winter race was a good idea.

Often, in the midst of a long project, you can find yourself struggling, wondering why you agreed to this in the first place… Maybe you didn’t “agree” to it. Maybe inspiration struck and you decided to follow it. Maybe powers that be made a decision for you and you’re beginning the tough slough into something new.

Whatever the case may be, know this: good things are coming. I was reminded of this during my 18-miler (ouch!) this weekend. I decided to head up around a lake I hadn’t run to in over a year and I had forgotten how hilly the route was. The hills were brutal. BRUTAL. My knees are still feeling it today. But for every up-hill climb, you’re always rewarded with a down-hill stretch or a gorgeous view. If you’re lucky, you get both.

Sure enough, those up-hill climbs are tough. But that view, that relaxing reprieve that follows, always makes the work worth it.

If you’re stuck in some writer’s block, feeling discouraged in a project, or coming to grips with career changes, take a moment to think about the rewards that await you once you power on through.

I promise you, there’s something great on the other side.

A rewarding view after tackling one of many hills on a recent long run.

A rewarding view after tackling one of many hills on a recent long run.